Music Therapy Consultation and Co-Treat Services
Are you having difficulty engaging your client in non-preferred or repetitive skill practice? Does your session lack energy or structure that might help your client be more successful?
The use of music in sessions can help facilitate increased engagement, structure, and energy to therapy sessions. Rhythm and musical structures can also support the optimization of motor or speech output through organized neural activity and repetition of the skill without boredom. Plus, music adds FUN for your clients and their supporting caregivers in your sessions, keeping everyone more engaged and the learning experience more positive.
Integrated Therapy of Northern Colorado provides individual and group music therapy services with children and adults with disabilities in home and community. Our Board-Certified, Masters level music therapists also work closely with interdisciplinary teams to bring the supportive mechanisms of music and rhythm to their clients important Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy work.
We can support your work through:
consultation services
short or long-term co-treating within the session (virtual sessions included)
in-service presentations to teams “Neural Mechanisms of Music and How to Integrate them into Practice”
customized recorded tools including:
sensory engagement songs- such as guided deep pressure songs
task sequencing songs such as sit-to-stand, tasks of daily living, etc
mnemonic devices: supporting learning addresses, phone numbers, and more