We NEED your help to make music therapy
more accessible in Colorado.
This will take 15 minutes of your time, but could make a huge impact on music therapy access for adults with disabilities all across the state. ITNC is leading the charge to petition our Colorado State Legislators to add Movement Therapy/Music Therapy as an approved Professional Service under the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Medicaid Waiver in Colorado.
Music Therapy is currently an approved professional service under the Children's Extensive Services (CES), Supported Living Services (SLS), Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP), and Children with Life Limiting Illnesses (CLLI) waivers. The category “Professional Services” also includes Massage Therapy. However, these important and effective therapies are not included on the DD waiver. In talking to the staff over the Movement Therapy division and the DD waiver, no one seems to know why!?! The DD waiver is a larger, more robust waiver program, aimed at supporting the long-term residential and support needs of adults with developmental disabilities. Historically, the DD waiver has had massive waitlists. Fortunately, individuals are finally moving off of the waitlist and accessing the support of this waiver at a fast pace. Unfortunately, it has left many individuals who have received impactful support and made functional gains through music therapy without access to services. Previously, other programs like the Family support Services Program (FSSP) were able to fill in the gaps in funding and access, but that program is now bogged down with massive waitlists OR just not available in some counties.
Ok, enough with the acronyms! What can you do to help?!?
We are asking clients, families, and their communities to contact their Colorado State Representatives to ask them to add professional services to the DD waivers. We are gathering support from current DD waiver recipients who want to access music therapy, participants of other waivers that may want to utilize the DD waiver in their future, and those who care about, work for, and support them.
Here you will find letter templates to support you with language and formats that may be helpful.
DD Waiver Request Letter Template- Client/Family (Word) (PDF)
DD Waiver Request Letter Template- Music Therapist (Word) (PDF)
DD Waiver Request Letter Template- Allied Organization/Other (Word) (PDF)
Don't know who your representative is?
Even if the exclusion of music therapy on the DD waiver does not impact you directly or immediately, please consider helping as your 15 minutes could make a difference in the health, safety, and life of others in Colorado and their families. Thank you for being a part of this amazing community and for your support in these efforts.
Sabra Chavez, MM, MT-BC, Director of Services